Shagmouth Development
Alright, lately I've been skipping social media and even failed on keeping my website/blog up to date... and only recently I've been able to share some of the work from early 2020, never had so many NDA's pilling up.
Never the less, I was never idle, as you can see in this screenshot.
Shagmouth has been evolving and I just can't wait to share with you what I've planned. But as life gets in the way it takes longer, and I really really wanna put more love into this. So for now, you'll just get small peaks of what is in development.
What I can tell you is - what began as a small harbor created just to support one character, evolved...
5 written stories,
cloth explorations
monsters and much more.
So maybe, keep an ear open the next time you hear about Shagmouth; perhaps the fisherman finally got around the dock to tell a tale worth of coin.
Thanks for reading,
— Ink